But there's good news! There's a cure for the ever-looming darkness of bad day syndrome. And that cure is service!!! Now, don't start groaning. I know what you're thinking. "Service? As in serving other people? Isn't this supposed to be about helping ME?" Well I'll tell you a secret. Focusing on other people allows you to open up beyond your own personal desires and problems in order to recognize the needs of others. As a result, it makes you happy. It's a win-win; you help another person and have a positive experience in the process.
So what kind of service are we talking about here? Going out and
handing out cookies to homeless people? Raking leaves for little old ladies?
Reading to children in the hospital? These are all excellent forms of service,
but it can be even simpler than that. Smiling at another person, giving someone
a hug that needs one, and simply picking up something that someone dropped are
all ways to make a person's day better. I heard a metaphor once that I really liked and I feel is worth
sharing. Every day we hold in our hearts a mirror. When we first wake up the
mirror is facing us. We use it to get ourselves ready, to take care of our
physical and emotional needs, and to fulfill our self interests. But when we
leave for the day, it's important that we turn the mirror around so it is
facing others. Flipping the mirror around is one of the healthiest, beneficial,
and most effectual ways to find happiness.
Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"
Don't forget to smile and laugh. It's a beautiful day!
-Sarah :)
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